Hornsberg kv. 1

Hornsberg kv. 1

In Hornsbergskvarteren on western Kungsholmen, plans are underway for around 890 new homes, sports halls and offices. A significant part of block 1 is a new office building, integrated into the neighborhood town.

The building stretches along the entire length of Nordenflychtsvägen and forms a powerful and imposing front to the street. The design is contemporary but rooted in the older industrial architecture that existed on the site, and which to some extent remains, while adapting to the classic stone city.

The ground floor has a high degree of transparency with several entrances and is planned for outward-looking activities such as a restaurant and café. These are directly connected to the office building's main entrance, which provides the conditions for life and movement throughout the street level.

The top two floors are stepped, creating a classical tripartite base, body and crown that is connected to the surrounding blocks. The top penthouse is significantly recessed from the gables to make the corners of the block more flexible. The recess also allows for living roofs in the form of roof terraces.

The façade design is based on order, proportion and rhythm. The ambition is to create harmony with few elements and well-studied details. The design is linked to the industrial history of the site, but also to classic office buildings in Stockholm's inner city that relate elegantly to the urban space, such as Centrumhuset at the intersection of Sveavägen and Kungsgatan and the SLT building on Vasagatan.

The office building's consistent and strong design meets the parts of western Kungsholmen that still have industrial activities and thus creates a new context around Nordenflychtsvägen. The building connects in scale to the underlying residential neighborhoods and together with these creates a new cohesive whole.

The building is planned to be constructed predominantly with a load-bearing wooden frame. The wooden frame will be visible and readable even from the outside and can thus be said to contribute to the exterior experience of the building. Easily accessible bicycle parking and changing facilities on a separate floor with a separate bicycle entrance promote sustainable modes of transportation.

Consultations are currently ongoing. Read more about the draft plan at City of Stockholm project website.

Olivin office building

Olivin office building

Like a shimmering green rock, Olivin will shine as one of Stockholm's most attractive office buildings. After parallel assignments, FOJAB was commissioned to design the office building together with Skanska.

The Lindhagenskvarteren district in north-west Kungsholmen is one of the last major developments in the inner city of Stockholm. The development of Hornsberg involves over 5,000 new homes and 350,000 square meters of commercial space. The area will be linked to the urban structure of eastern Kungsholmen and previously separated islands of buildings will be brought closer together.

This is where the new Olivin office building plays an important role. When the triangular plot with Essingeleden on one side, Lindhagensgatan on the other and residential buildings on the third side is now being developed, a missing piece of the puzzle is finally in place. Olivin repairs the street space and strengthens the esplanade character of Lindhagensgatan with living facades on both sides.

Olivin will be a clear target point with content that attracts both professionals and visitors and creates new flows in the city. Olivin is a building for work, socializing and recreation with workplaces, social areas, a sauna and roof terraces. The entrance floor invites people along Lindhagensgatan with public spaces on the ground floor. The offices start one level up but trickle down to the ground floor with shared spaces and activities that create an active building and a safer street space.

The building's design is inspired by the green stone olivine and its angular, slightly sharp shape. The prism as a geometric figure recurs in all scales, in folds and reliefs on the facade and in the division of the 23,000 square meter volume into several smaller units. The building is higher towards Essingeleden, while stepping down towards the small-scale development to the southeast. The corners are cut to create a more inviting form that better relates to Stockholm's classical building order. The facade of shimmering green zinc and the glazed ceramics of the plinth floor catch the light and create a variation over the day and contribute to the overall image of a monolith. A green rock.

Olivin will be environmentally certified according to LEED Platinum. Parts of the frame are planned to be built in wood. The building will be ready for occupation in 2026.

Kv. Twilight

Kv. Twilight

A clear identity and pronounced environmental profile characterize the new headquarters of Lund's municipal real estate company. It has created innovative workplaces for LKF's staff and attractive housing in an expansive context where both people and the environment are in focus.

LKF's new headquarters is located in the Brunnshög development area, a district that aims to be the world's leading research and innovation environment and a model of sustainable urban development. In the future, 40 000 people from all over the world are expected to live and work here.

FOJAB has been involved from initial detailed planning to final design and has also designed the floor plan and interior design for LKF's own office. The property is classified Miljöbyggnad Gold and contains, in addition to offices, also 49 rental apartments and a gym.

The building consists of a continuous brick volume that wraps around a raised, glazed atrium courtyard with greenery that visually appears through the building's facades facing the street. A playful interplay of volumes in symbiosis with solid materials and elaborate brick details creates a dignified end to the block facing the busy Solbjersvägen in the north. From a distance, the building creates a clear silhouette.

Difficult conditions such as large height differences, noise, high environmental requirements, construction logistics and the relocation of existing office operations have resulted in a highly site-adapted building with unusual and activity-promoting solutions. Both offices and homes have technically innovative solutions, including a newly developed ventilation system in the facade and creative indoor and outdoor environments.

The office contains multiple environments that are flexible and designed to inspire and support a modern and creative way of working. Materials, colors and lighting are chosen to be durable and create a comfortable working environment that can withstand change. Three important parameters define the basic ideas of the concept developed for the interior environment: LKF 75 years, activity-based workplace and reuse.

LKF 75 years: The starting point is LKF's long history, where the design of the loose furniture follows a timeline that extends from 1945 to 2020. The furniture in the concept should represent the different decades that have passed, but should also show a modern and attractive office for both employees and visitors.

Activity-based workplace: The design and furnishings have been tailor-made for LKF's operations. Different types of furniture and environments support different types of work tasks. The balance between the different functions, such as traditional workplaces in open solutions and rooms for separate work, open meeting places and meeting rooms, etc. is well balanced.

Recycling and sustainability: LKF had a clear goal that the loose furniture should be reused as much as possible and has been procured according to LOU for reused furniture. By referring to the timeline of LKF's 75 years in Lund, we were able to ensure that quality and durability in materials as well as durability in layout and design would be included in the final result.

Kv. Glove

Kv. Glove

For Akademiska hus in Lund, we have created a modern office while restoring the qualities of the original glove factory from 1919.

Nordströms glove factory was built in 1919 at Ole Römers väg 2 in Lund, in the Handsken neighborhood. The factory had a maximum of 260 employees, with shops in Lund and other cities, including Gothenburg. In the 1960s, operations were moved abroad and the factory was closed down. The premises were taken over by the National Testing Institute and then by the university. The building is now owned by Akademiska Hus, which also has its offices here.

Several major extensions and changes have been made over the years. Parts of the building are classified as culturally valuable. In 2020, Akademiska hus decided that they wanted to do a total rebuild to get more appropriate premises. During a major renovation in 1992, a number of changes were made where the industrial character was removed and there was now a consensus from the architect, city antiquarian and Akademiska hus that it was of the utmost importance to emphasize the history of the building in both the facade and interior.

The windows have been restored to their contemporary industrial character, with an arched opening. The parapet has been lowered to its original height on the ground floor in the south. This has made the building both more beautiful for passers-by to look at and more functional for the business. Light penetration is better and the previous perception of being in a basement has disappeared.

The character of the windows is typical of their respective years of construction, where the building from 1919 has a clear industrial character with mullion and transom, the extension from 1950 has frame windows and the extension in 1992 has repainted windows towards the courtyard. Three original windows were preserved that have been restored and given back their original green color. These can be clearly seen from the courtyard.

In the interior design, it has also been important to highlight the building's history and emphasize the industrial character of the building based on its original qualities. Colors and materials have a natural color scale that with subtle contrasts clarifies the different building bodies of the house. New and existing art has been integrated into the environment.

With the renovation, we have created better flows in the building and the floor plan has been adapted to Akademiska Hus' working methods. The office now offers different types of spatialities/work environments that stimulate collaboration and knowledge transfer, and where you can choose the environment according to your needs and activities.

Akademiska hus has had a high reuse profile throughout the project. For example, all internal stairwells, glass doors and some steel doors have been reused. The limestone floor from Öland has become a nice detail on the office floor. Existing furniture has been reused and supplemented with second-hand furniture that has been refined/processed. Flexibility has been prioritized so that changes and rearrangements can easily be made as the needs of the business change.



In a former knitwear factory from 1901 at Möllevången in Malmö, we have, together with Stena fastigheter, developed and converted the entire property into new office space. The renovation has been done with a careful hand to recreate as much of the building's original character as possible. Reuse has been central both in terms of the building, the outdoor environment and the interior design.

Luminaires, windows, wooden floors and plaster walls have been renovated and restored. The reuse of space has been encouraged, for example, masonry walls and sections have been recovered and used to rebuild new interior walls. Waste materials have been turned into outdoor furniture and bicycle racks, and details such as rosette valves have become character-enhancing features of the whole.

It was important to maintain the sense of space of the old factory premises. All electricity has been concealed and installations in the ceiling have been minimized. There are no large, winding ventilation systems here; ventilation has been kept down as far as possible. Both to give the rooms a cleaner look with high ceilings and to save energy. Flexibility has been a key concept for the building to have a long life, but also to be able to easily adapt it for different activities today and in the future.

The exterior of the knitwear factory has been restored to its original appearance. 1960s windows in poor condition have been replaced with newly manufactured ones, identical to the original windows but with a discreet intermediate sunscreen. The building has been updated to meet modern regulatory requirements for accessibility and fire, which has been solved with as few new additions as possible.

In one of the larger premises, we have designed and furnished our own office. The layout is adapted to our way of working with fewer desks, the possibility of grouping in different ways, several different types of meeting rooms and large social areas. The entrance room is the heart of the office, which with its large space on three levels opens up for joint activities, meetings, work, lunch rooms, seminars and parties!

The materials are few and recurring, with the existing board floor being an important element to give a feeling and character to the space. Other materials such as steel partitions, birch plywood, wooden ceilings, stone, carpets and textiles are chosen to be long-lasting and age beautifully. A new luminaire has been developed in collaboration with Ateljé Lyktan; an energy-saving version of the industrial lamps that once illuminated the factory.

The common courtyard is designed to allow everyone working in the different buildings to meet easily and spontaneously. There are areas suitable for various activities or just hanging out, including a shared roof terrace, table tennis tables and car-free areas for movement, play and creative workshops.

Trikåfabriken is one of Sweden's first redevelopment projects to be climate calculated. To ensure long-term sustainable environmental and climate benefits, the building has been certified according to the standard Miljöbyggnad in Operation level Gold.



The idea for The Factory was born out of a desire to recreate the qualities of old factory environments converted into offices.

High ceilings, robust and hard-wearing materials, visible installations and large, mullioned glass sections give Fabriken both a retro feel and make the building well equipped for the changing needs and new demands that will be placed on attractive premises in the future.


The façade is characterized by simplicity and the dominant material is recycled brick. It is almost as if an old factory has been dismantled and rebuilt. The building is climate calculated according to the LFM30 methodology and has been certified according to Miljöbyggnad.

The Fabriken office building has been built together with The Sun Quarter Mobility House.

World Trade Center Karlskrona

World Trade Center Karlskrona

Kv. Öskaret 1

Kv. Öskaret 1

In central Stockholm, we are developing an attractive neighborhood where modern offices, historic workshop environments and retail meet around interconnected public courtyards. Kv. Öskaret will be a destination with international appeal!

The later added and less valuable 1930s wing, which has recently been demolished, enables two new courtyard volumes to be placed on either side of the beautiful workshop wing. This will create a sequence of new courtyard spaces while reinforcing the undeveloped side of Hälsobrunnsgatan with new street-level volumes. The new volumes are designed as two powerful six-story solitaires that complement the block both at courtyard level and towards Hälsobrunnsgatan. The difference in height (Brunkebergsåsen) means that Hälsobrunnsgatan has three floors above ground and the courtyard six floors. The workshop wing is also extended towards Hälsobrunnsgatan by two floors, which creates a rhythm in the urban space. The volumes are finished with broken and hipped roofs with dormers that rise gently above the roofscape of the original building without competing with its pinnacles and towers..

FOJAB was commissioned to renovate and develop the building into a modern office building. Great emphasis has been placed on highlighting the building's original qualities and preserving the culturally valuable parts of the building. New possible building rights for offices have also been identified on the property.

Developing the site
New volumes will be added to the property with the vision of creating a whole new block of mixed content grouped around several public courtyards, linked to each other by porticos and passages. Inspiration has been drawn from courtyard environments in Berlin and Paris. The programming of the ground floors and courtyards will help to strengthen the connection to Torsgatan and thus make it more attractive.

Hälsobrunnsgatan is widened with a new sidewalk and given a more urban character. New volumes are placed along the street with office entrances and possible premises. Between the new volumes, smaller plazas are created that function as entrance squares. From Hälsobrunnsgatan, the courtyards are accessed via internal elevators and stairs. This enables completely new connections between Hälsobrunnsgatan, the courtyards and Torsgatan.

The volumetry and design of the new buildings are based on the surroundings, the original building and the history of the site. The extent of the volumes in plan is given by the surrounding buildings and the new sequence of courtyards to be created. The elevation is based on the level of Hälsobrunnsgatan and to be able to offer an urban and content-rich ground floor facing the street with a good ceiling height. Hälsobrunnsgatan will then have a two- and three-storey scale with a carefully worked roof landscape that, together with the "Bobergska towers", creates a characterful ensemble.

The complexity of the Boberg and Frumerie gasworks building inspires the design of the new volumes. The building is elegant, detailed and representative in the administration section but more industrial and raw in the workshop section. The old brick gas bell on the adjacent property is also a source of inspiration.

The new buildings are designed as free-standing, cohesive volumes with a tripartite base, middle section and end in the form of dormers in the classic Stockholm tradition. The buildings are connected by link buildings on one level, two floors above the courtyard level, which enables an internal communication path. On top of the roofs of the links, places are created at the level of Hälsobrunnsgatan.

An overarching geometric grid creates structure and stability in the facades. The facade is given relief through indentations, differences and details. Individual building elements such as entrances, penthouses and eaves are accentuated, creating variation and excitement. The facade material is light brick with different treatments and character. The roofs are made of dark gray sheet metal in harmony with the brick facades. The roofscape should be clearly distinguishable from the red roof of the original building and the black roof behind it in Sabbatsberg 26. The new buildings are linked to the cultural history and architecture of the Öskaret district and its surroundings, but stand as clear and contemporary imprints of our time.

The new buildings relate to the cultural history and architecture of Kv. Öskaret and its neighborhood but stand as clear and contemporary imprints of our time.

The main idea is that a continuous floor connects the different courtyard spaces. The materials are timeless natural materials and characterful trees that form a beautiful canopy. On the hillside, plantings will provide greenery, which together with the arcade entrance in the east creates a framing character. At Hälsobrunnsgatan, the sidewalk will be extended into two smaller plazas that serve as entrance squares to the new buildings.

The encounter with the block should signal an inviting, welcoming character to the inner parts and functions of the block. The porticos facing Torsgatan provide fine insights into the neighborhood that invite visitors. From here, the new volumes and welcoming greenery in the courtyards in the form of trees can be seen. The entrance areas towards Hälsobrunnsgatan are given a simple design with trees and seating.

The eastern and western courtyards are given a coherent design and a continuous floor in the form of natural stone ground material. The eastern courtyard will make it possible for the activities in the neighborhood to use the courtyard, either in the larger landscaped area or in connection with the arcade access.

Read more: This is how we have developed the Boberg and Frumerie heritage building on the Torsgatan 26.

Kävlinge town hall

Kävlinge town hall

The new face of Kävlinge municipality is a unique building that generously opens up and invites you in. Everyone should feel welcome here, in accordance with the municipality's slogan, and FOJAB is responsible for both architecture and interior design.

Kävlinge's new town hall is strategically located right next to the railway station in the new district of Stationsstaden. It brings together most of the municipality's administrations under one roof and also houses the city library, the municipal council hall, wedding rooms and meeting rooms of various sizes. The municipal building should be an inviting meeting place for everyone, which is reflected in the architecture.

On the ground floor is the bright and open library with areas for children and young people as well as adults. Here you'll find everything from a story cave and research room to a newspaper corner, and the large glass section provides visitors with excellent contact with the shopping street outside. On the top floor of four, there are generously sized coffee and meeting areas, and on the roof a spacious terrace with magnificent views. The municipality's large council chamber is also located here - an airy room with built-in flexibility for both small and large meetings. The room can be divided into two or opened up completely to accommodate a large number of participants.

The middle levels contain workplaces for the municipality's employees. The starting point has been that the design should meet a future way of working with efficient and attractive office spaces.

In the exterior design of the building, FOJAB has drawn inspiration from Kävlinge's long tradition of industrial and symbolic buildings. Robust, solid brick volumes with well-crafted details. The façade of the municipal building consists of red brick, zinc sheet and generous glass sections. On the long sides of the building, the facade is pleated, which provides an interesting play of shadows, and towards the shopping street it is cut with a lower section that scales down and lets in the light.

Inside, a sober material palette of stone, wood and textiles is used throughout. The color scheme is taken from the colors of nature around Kävlinge - the sea, the river Kävlingeån, the open landscape - and creates a calm atmosphere.

Kävlinge's new municipal building is certified with Miljöbyggnad Gold.

Hornsberg 10

Hornsberg 10

Hornsberg 10 is today one of the few remaining undeveloped blocks on Västra Kungsholmen. The block consists of various historical warehouses with varying heights and designs that have undergone several extensive conversions, extensions and additions. It has historically been used for industrial purposes, including a laboratory for Kabi. In the 1980s, an office building was built on the property, called B20.

An overall objective of the project is to develop Hornsberg 10 into a modern coherent block with mixed functions that bring new life to the district during all hours of the day. The ground floor will be made public and accessible with attractive content. New modern workplaces will be added. The block will become a new destination on Kungsholmen!

The property currently consists of buildings B20, B28 and B42. According to the proposal, B28 and B42 will be replaced by a new office volume that in scale connects to B20. In this way, a new coherent city block will be created that relates to northwest Kungsholmen's new block development and the planned development at Hornsbergskvarteren. The new office volume has a public and glazed ground floor with premises, shops and restaurants that are connected to each other through an inner room from which the office floor is also reached. Entrances will be created from Lindhagensgatan, Lars Forssells gata and Nordenflychtsvägen. The existing building, B20, will be opened up and developed with new accessible entrances and windows and a new lower volume around the staff entrance at the corner of Nordenflychtsvägen/Lars Forsells gata. The fan rooms on the roof will be moved down to the basement, reducing the overall height of the building and enabling a new public roof terrace.

The height of the new building varies and connects with the heights of the surrounding blocks and the hierarchy of the streets. The boulevard-like character of Lindhagensgatan is reinforced by returning the block to its main entrance in this location. Inviting places are created around the entrances with prepared paving and seating facilities. Along Lars Forsells gata, the volume is retracted and meets Kv. Leendet's facade life, which creates a smaller place formation with good sunlight. Deliberate lighting and new trees along Lenngrensgatan increase security around the neighborhood.

The starting point for the design is the site's industrial history and the property's potential to become a stately city block on Kungsholmen. The new volumes are built in bricks that are varied, detailed and processed in different ways. The design is based on weight, geometry, proportions and rhythm. The inspiration comes from the older industrial architecture that existed on the site, and which to some extent still exists, for example in the Hornsberg brewery. The design idea is a consistent structure in one and the same material that is allowed to vary and adapt along the different sides of the block. A classic tripartite structure with a double-height plinth floor containing shops/premises, a central section and a roof termination in the form of a penthouse makes the new building land in the stone city. The new building connects to B20 in a studied and careful way with the aim of lifting the whole block to a higher level and creating a new coherent whole.

The Queen

The Queen

The Drottningen office building is a landmark in Helsingborg and marks the start of the transformation of the Drottninghög district. The Drottningen parking garage frees up land area that enables densification of the district. FOJAB has designed the buildings and also worked with tenant adaptations, land environment, detailed planning, traffic issues and environmental and energy issues.

Neighbourhood in transition
Drottningen adds new workplaces and new public spaces, injecting new life into the district. For the first time, Helsingborg will have a public restaurant and conference floor at high altitude with views of the city, Öresund and the Kulla peninsula. By building a new bright and safe parking garage, the previously dark and unsafe surface parking lots are released and the area can be densified. The ground floor of the office building has large window sections for views and insight, as well as public premises with a café and bicycle shop. The buildings' active ground floors contribute to life and movement, and the intersection between Regementsvägen and Vasatorpsvägen becomes a new node in the area. Drottningen and the Drottninghög district were part of Helsingborg's H22 housing fair.

Office with a view, secure parking garage
Drottningen's office space is conveniently sized and flexible in use. Large glass panels and high ceilings provide bright spaces and a view that stretches for miles. The premises have a calm and sober material palette. The parking garage is conveniently located directly adjacent to the office building. Roof areas that can be seen from the upper part of the office are covered with sedum roofs and beehives with local honey production. The parking garage offers a good parking comfort without steep ramps and uses inclined planes. The parking garage is designed for security with glazed stairwells that provide luminous lanterns both externally and internally. The garage entrance has a roller grille with good visibility into the car park and light spreads outwards. Walls and ceilings are painted white to provide a bright and safe experience, as well as background walls and lighting that increase comfort and guide visitors. Environmental and energy issues have been very important and the office building will meet a level equivalent to Miljöbyggnad Silver. The parking garage will have both charging points for electric cars and space for a car pool.

Sober office, playful parking garage
The Queen's Office Building is a sleek and stylish high-rise. The materials on the ground floor are elegantly polished terrazzo in the base and oiled oak at the entrances, which gives a warm feeling. The white high-rise and the black low-rise are contrasting in color but are linked by architectural approach, material selection and detailing. Aluminum parapet panels accentuate the window openings and provide a connection to the undulating aluminum facades of the parking garage. The parking garage has more playful facades with large windows, solar cells and undulating white aluminum facades. At ground level, the facades have heat-treated pine wood illuminated with light ramps and display cabinets. The display cabinets activate the street space and the lighting provides a safe evening environment. A large green facade with wooden slats, plant boxes and birdhouses has climbing wildfowl climbing on locally recycled stair railings. The green facade is beautifully pattern-lit in the evening. All materials used, both inside and out, are hard-wearing, durable and sustainable.



FOJAB has designed the office building with roof park which will be a workplace for 700 people. The foyer is located in the South Nyhamnen, an area that is undergoing an exciting urban transformation. Environment and sustainability, flexible office space and people's well-being at work have been at the heart of the design.

The office building is an early cornerstone in the ambition to build an urban and sustainable district, which grows together with Malmö Central, and forms a new vibrant center. With its location just north of the station area the Foyer becomes a new entrance to the Malmö Central Station and the entire station area.

The foyer consists of eight floors with a total of 7,700 m² of office space and 1,100 m² for retail and services at street level. The office building is given a strong design in brick that clearly expresses the building's volume and facade rhythm. A warm and welcoming living room, an open meeting place for everyone, greets you at the entrance. Here we have worked a lot with the contrasts between raw materials and the soft lines and textiles of the interior. A generous staircase leads to the companies' offices.

Office space that can change over time
The office space is flexible and can be tailored to the needs of the tenants. There are opportunities for individual offices or activity-based office solutions with a variety of sizes and types of rooms. The top offices will each have a terrace with seating in the sun.

Takpark for biodiversity
Up on the roof there is a common roof park with seaside meadow character in the form of an undulating landscape with wooden poles, ornamental grasses and herbs. A total of 26 different types of plants have been planted, which benefits biodiversity. and creates a experiential stay. Here you can both walk and sit down for a moment of rest and look out over the landscape. city.


Green building
The foyer is an eco-smart building that focuses on the well-being of both people and the environment. On the roof there are 200 m² of solar panels producing 30000kWh/year, which is enough to charge electric cars and provide lighting for rooftop promenade.

In addition to a BREEAM environmental certification, the building has also been certified under The WELL system. Building Standard® (WELL), a new international building standard focusing on human well-being at work with seven different focus areas: air, water, nutrition, light, exercise, well-being and mind. The technical measures such as acoustics, daylight and ventilation are complemented by soft parameters such as art, contact with nature, activity-promoting design but also relaxing environments to further improve the working environment. One example is the stairwell, which has been adorned withthe artist Emma Rytofts playful paintings to encourage more people to take the stairs.

Sweden Green Building Award, BREEAM building of the year 2020
Nominated for Gröna Lansen 2020 - the City of Malmö's award for environmentally sustainable and climate-smart construction.

Torsgatan 26

Torsgatan 26

The Öskaret 1 property is located in one of Stockholm's most central locations along Torsgatan. The building was designed by architect Ferdinand Boberg and completed in 1906 for the Stockholm Water and Gasworks. Castellum acquired the property with a vision to create a new meeting place in Stockholm, to create a new attractive neighborhood with a mix of businesses with a focus on new modern office space.

FOJAB has been responsible for concept work, program, system and completion of construction documents and tenant adaptations. The focus of the project has been to take advantage of the building's fantastic qualities, highlight these, and add new parts that together create a new exciting whole.

The assignment involved refining the property from an underutilized office building, last renovated in the 1970s, to a modern high-performance office with public ground floors. The requirements from laws and regulations have been extensive and to these have been added high ambitions from property owners and tenants. The new office spaces are adapted to meet the requirements of dense, efficient seating, new working methods and new technical systems. As the building has great cultural-historical values both externally and internally, this has been an exciting and interesting process with many challenges and careful considerations to fulfill these goals.

The building is constructed in the Art Nouveau style with wonderfully preserved details of high quality craftsmanship and materials. In the past, there have been homes, offices and workshops in different parts of the building and the work on the interior has highlighted the different characters. For example, the original vaulted beams have been brought out, the 1970s ceilings have been removed and the old ceiling height restored. In the stairwells, new lifts have been installed and restored, old windows have been renovated and supplemented with energy glass. The modern additions blend in well with the whole but are at the same time clearly new. Heritage-listed rooms have been restored to preserve their history and origin.

To support the careful handling of the building, FOJAB and Castellum have collaborated with an antiquarian expert from Tyréns. The project has involved many considerations between preservation and change; authenticity and usability have often been pitted against each other, which has placed great demands on dialog and cooperation between different interests and competencies.

The property contains premises grouped around two public courtyards. The aim has been to open up the block towards Torsgatan to make the courtyards accessible to visitors and businesses and to create attractive places in this historically valuable environment.

Transforming this relatively closed building in relation to its cultural values has therefore been a challenge, and the few changes made have been carefully selected and concentrated in the areas where they are most useful. The project's careful renovation and reconstruction has highlighted a forgotten landmark building that has once again become a landmark on Torsgatan.

Read more: How we develop the property Öskaret 1.




Dungen is an office building directly adjacent to Hyllie station. The building is classified according to Miljöbyggnad Gold, which has been an important starting point for the building's expression and design language. Indoor tree plantings tie in with the garden that previously existed on the site. FOJAB has designed and planned both the building and the interior.

The block is designed with six floors above ground and two underground parking levels below ground. The building is characterized by sustainable and durable materials that will age beautifully. The design of the Dungen office building consists of three main parts: the atrium, the plinth and the facades.

The atrium - a warm interior
The elevated atrium is the heart of the building. The light and warm wooden feel of the atrium welcomes tenants and visitors and is the building's entrance and natural meeting place. The neighborhood name Dungen is manifested by a tree planting at the main entrance where you move up along the tree trunks towards the atrium and the foliage. The greenery and the feeling of wood are recurring elements in the building's interior environment. A generous roof light provides daylight to the office areas facing the atrium.

The plinth - building the city
Where the building meets the ground, the materials and detailing can be approached closely. In Dungen, the plinth floor has been clad in dark brick, detailed with roller shading and pattern masonry. The plinth holds the building together and gives it an urban weight. Retail premises and center functions activate the urban space and contribute to making the area around Hyllie station square a vibrant place.

Facades - smart geometry
The facades have two different expressions. More closed to the south and more open to the north. The characterful curvature of the eastern facade gives life and composition to the building with its shadow play, while helping to meet the requirements of the Gold environmental building. The unique geometry is strengthened by clear material handling, an enveloping material in a light color and floor-high windows.

FOJAB was responsible for the entire interior design assignment, which was carried out in close cooperation with the client. Two office floors are designed for activity-based workplaces.

Malmö Urban Design Award 2019

Göta Hovrätt and kammarrätten

Göta Hovrätt and kammarrätten

A court building with strong character and dignity that takes advantage of the location and urban space by Lake Munksjön.

Following a parallel assignment, Castellum, in collaboration with the Swedish National Courts Administration, chose to proceed with FOJAB's proposal for the new court buildings in Jönköping for the Göta Court of Appeal and the Administrative Court of Appeal. A unanimous jury emphasized the strong architectural design and the qualities of the urban space.

FOJAB has extensive experience of working with court buildings and the special functional requirements associated with this type of project. This, combined with a strong design, has paved the way for a high quality court building.

The new Court of Appeal building fits into the existing structure and connects the buildings along the western shore of Lake Munksjön. The building volume is built up with different scales in relation to its context and the surrounding urban environment.

The building is set back from the site boundary, creating areas for the public to stay and move around the new court of appeal. The urban spaces are also activated by distributing several different entrances around the building, creating life and movement.

The façade is designed with light sand-colored vertical and horizontal elements. The vertical elements limit direct solar radiation and reinforce the design of the building. The building has been specifically designed with the availability of daylight and the high environmental ambitions in mind. The building is designed to meet the requirements of the Miljöbyggnad Level Gold certification system.

Winner of the Jönköping Urban Design Award 2024

Lund District Court

Lund District Court

FOJAB has designed a new building for the district court in Lund. The task was to design a new government building with the aim of creating Sweden's most modern court. The new district court is the next step in the development of central Lund just west of the railroad tracks.

The current site is located between the railway tracks and Bjerredsparken, which runs parallel in a north-south direction, in central Lund. The existing building blocks to the north of the site open up to the park. The new district court fits into this structure, inviting the light and greenery of the park, while giving the park a steady end to the railroad. The function of a district court involves separate flows of people, and thus several different entrances. These are oriented around the entire building, which creates life and movement in the surrounding urban spaces. The public areas are gathered in an extended room on two levels that opens up with large glass surfaces towards the park. The copper sheet, glass and natural stone of the exterior interact with the interior environment where ash wood panels provide a warm and comfortable experience.

Facing the railway and the old city center to the east, the building rises to its full height. It is integrated into the context of the new Kristallen municipal building and provides the urban qualities of a public institution in the city. In the south towards the new travel square, the building descends to two high floors, which meet the public while retaining its public character. On the roof to the southwest, there is a terrace for the court's staff. To the west, a four-story volume embraces the park space, interacting with the adjacent Kristallen municipal building. The west facade opens up to the green park space with large glass sections, exposing the interior of the building. The relationship between glass and dense sections is well balanced to manage views, daylight and the high environmental ambitions.

The new district court was inaugurated in August 2018.

1st prize in design competition
Lund Municipality's Urban Design Award 2018
Nominated for the 2018 Stone Award
Nominated for Building of the Year 2019
Sheet metal prize 2019

RUM, Feb/19
ArchDaily Mars/19
Architecture magazine March/19



In 2010 FOJAB arkitekter was chosen, after parallel assignments, to design and plan the university's synchrotron light facility MAX IV.

The spatial organization of MAX IV focuses on the researchers' functional requirements for the facility and the characteristics of the site and its surroundings. All the different building components thus have their specific design requirements in terms of function, scope and lifespan. Some are tailor-made while others have a general design to accommodate needs not yet fully defined.

The underground parts are built in heavy-duty reinforced concrete and form an inert mass which limits the propagation of ambient vibrations, provides temperature stability and protection against unwanted radiation leakage to the environment.

The office building is designed in white sheet metal cassettes with horizontal protection for windows. The experimental hall in roof lantern with brushed aluminum surface and the other buildings in white concrete facades, which together with the rolling landscape contributes to making the MAX IV laboratory a characteristic landmark at Lund's northern entrance.

The office building has been certified according to Miljöbyggnad Gold, Green Building and the highest level of Breeam - Outstanding.


Skåne Architecture Prize 2016

Environmental award of the yearConcrete Gala 2015

Winner MIPIM Awards Best Futura Project 2014

Ice block

Ice block

In the rapidly expanding district of Hyllie, FOJAB was commissioned to plan and design a new office building at the station square. The building is linked to the parking garage behind it and connects on every other floor. On the ground floor there are retail premises and a passage through the block.

The heart of the building is the generous stairwell, whose strong form winds upwards over the glass floor. The building's facade consists of a double-glazed structure where the outer layer uses white dots to create a pattern that mimics the cracking of ice. The pattern varies in density across the floors and creates a soft transition between transparent and dense surfaces in the façade inside.

A composition of stainless steel frames breaks through the outer layer of glass in places, creating breathing space in an otherwise smooth and shiny facade. In the arcade courtyard facing the square, the facade is clad with oiled oak ribs whose warm color tone contrasts with the otherwise cold facade at the top.

The volume of the building, with its broken facade lines, reinforces the character of a block of ice and at the same time relates to the stepping up of the parking garage behind it. The interplay of volumes creates large terrace areas with views of the square in the west, the city in the north and the Scanian rapeseed fields in the south.

Town Hall Skåne

Town Hall Skåne

In 2010, Kristianstad Municipality and Region Skåne decided to co-locate their central administrations in the Kristian IV block. In the same year, FOJAB was commissioned by Kristianstad Municipality to be responsible for program work and architectural design of buildings, landscape and interiors.

The ambition was to preserve the exterior of the block as much as possible, combined with a radical redesign of its interior. The proposal preserved the scale and appearance of the block in relation to the surrounding streets, while changing the shape of the interior. The program requirements included modern and efficient office space for 700 people, a large number of meeting rooms and boardrooms, a new session hall for 300 people, foyers and a staff canteen for almost 300 people.

Sustainable natural materials such as stone, wood and copper were used to create character throughout the block, both externally and internally. The facades and internal columns are clad in travertine. Light ash is a common wood species on walls, floors and almost all of the furnishings.

In addition to the organization and design of the interiors, the interior design assignment included an extensive user process involving representatives from all departments and administrations. The modern open office should allow for good accessibility, openness and flexibility. At the same time, requirements for privacy for undisturbed work must be taken into account.

The house has been environmentally certified according to Miljöbyggnad with the rating Silver.

Building of the Year 2015.



From a large parking lot and a desolate backside to a public transport hub with vibrant city life in a cultural-historical environment. FOJAB has built a brand new city block in central Malmö with 190 apartments, 200 workplaces and commercial activities on the ground floors.

At street level is a two-storey shopping mall, linked to the existing shopping center. A further five floors facing the surrounding streets are residential and office buildings. From this building rises a 19-storey residential building. In the interior of the block there are further residential units and green gardens at different levels, while the car parks are two levels below ground.

In Triangelgallerian, FOJAB created a square to enhance the environment for the many commuters who move in traffic, but also to provide a harmonious place for relaxation in a small-scale, dense and intense environment. To create variety and enhance the urban feel, the shops are accessed through three portals in winding aisles at street level. The square, which is located in the center and opens up through both floors, is formed by playfully placed shop boxes.

The office is located on four levels on top of the mall, two to five steps up. The main entrance is located on Rådmansgatan. Outdoor spaces in the form of roof terraces are available both in connection with the lowest floor of the office and at the top of the recessed penthouse. Secure bicycle parking is available in a raised courtyard between the new and old Triangeln. The office's tenants have a nice view of S:t Johannesplan and also visual contact with the lush inner courtyard.

At the top, both street and high-rise buildings are crowned with sections of golden brass plate. The courtyard environments are built on the roof of the mall, on three different levels with a wide range of spaces and experiences. The character and composition of the plant material provides greenery and beauty throughout much of the year and highlights the changing seasons. There are sheltered places in the shade of the pergola's creepers, offering seating via integrated benches and special play areas for children. There are also spacious grassy areas and several wooden decks to accommodate larger groups.

BRIO headquarters

BRIO headquarters

FOJAB has redesigned the raw attic at Skeppsbron at Malmö Central Station to become the new headquarters for BRIO. In collaboration with Ideas AB and BRIO's own project team, FOJAB has also created the interior design.

The focus has been on using all the angles and corners of the wind to create functional and playful spaces. The brick arches and wooden roof structure are highlighted against a neutral background of black and white and glass.

BRIO's identity has been captured in bright accent colors from the graphic profile and their toys are visible throughout the space in the form of niches, giant models and decals on glass, walls and floors.