Hornsberg kv. 1
In Hornsbergskvarteren on western Kungsholmen, plans are underway for around 890 new homes, sports halls and offices. A significant part of block 1 is a new office building, integrated into the neighborhood town.
The building stretches along the entire length of Nordenflychtsvägen and forms a powerful and imposing front to the street. The design is contemporary but rooted in the older industrial architecture that existed on the site, and which to some extent remains, while adapting to the classic stone city.
The ground floor has a high degree of transparency with several entrances and is planned for outward-looking activities such as a restaurant and café. These are directly connected to the office building's main entrance, which provides the conditions for life and movement throughout the street level.
The top two floors are stepped, creating a classical tripartite base, body and crown that is connected to the surrounding blocks. The top penthouse is significantly recessed from the gables to make the corners of the block more flexible. The recess also allows for living roofs in the form of roof terraces.
The façade design is based on order, proportion and rhythm. The ambition is to create harmony with few elements and well-studied details. The design is linked to the industrial history of the site, but also to classic office buildings in Stockholm's inner city that relate elegantly to the urban space, such as Centrumhuset at the intersection of Sveavägen and Kungsgatan and the SLT building on Vasagatan.
The office building's consistent and strong design meets the parts of western Kungsholmen that still have industrial activities and thus creates a new context around Nordenflychtsvägen. The building connects in scale to the underlying residential neighborhoods and together with these creates a new cohesive whole.
The building is planned to be constructed predominantly with a load-bearing wooden frame. The wooden frame will be visible and readable even from the outside and can thus be said to contribute to the exterior experience of the building. Easily accessible bicycle parking and changing facilities on a separate floor with a separate bicycle entrance promote sustainable modes of transportation.
Consultations are currently ongoing. Read more about the draft plan at City of Stockholm project website.