Overlaying the E22

By bridging the highway and the barrier it represents, conditions are created to heal the eastern parts of the city with central Lund. It is less than 2 km from the E22 to the center and therefore a very attractive location for both housing and offices.

The overpass will free up approximately 250,000 m2 of developable land. This is a significant contribution when Lund, according to the new master plan, is to grow with 16,000 new homes in the central city without taking up valuable farmland.

The southern half of the area in question is suitable for housing, thus linking existing residential areas. The northern half creates conditions for Ideon to expand and meet Brunnshög's business area. Sölvegatan, which today dives under the highway, can be densified and cross the buried highway without differences in level. This also simplifies for the rail traffic planned on the Lundalink.