New Triangle

The new part of Triangelgallerian opens in June. Facing south towards Triangeln station, a completely new and colorful mall will open, 12,000 square meters on two levels. Triangeln station is expected to be Sweden's third largest station, and the idea is to create a square for the many people who commute and are on their way. But also for those who want to relax in a pleasant environment that is small-scale, dense and intense.

- Nya Triangeln will be like the new Malmö, neither restrained nor smoothly structured. There should be a sense of urban bazaar, of colors and materials creating a social scene for life and shopping," says Viveca Rosencrantz, design manager at FOJAB arkitekter for the mall.

NCC has high ambitions for Triangeln. The feeling of a square is central - it should simply be nice to just be here. The expansion is on two levels and is connected both to the existing mall, which is being rebuilt and expanded, and to the new sunny facade facing Triangeln station and S:t Johannesplan.

The shops are accessed through portals in three winding aisles at street level to create variety and enhance the urban feel. The central square, which opens up through both floors, is formed by playfully placed shop boxes. The visitor will encounter an abundance of impressions where color and material choices contrast rather than harmonize.

At street level, the feel is darker and more variegated, with patterned granite-ceramic floors, copper-colored ceilings and high-gloss entrance portals, becoming lighter in the open square in the middle and on the upper level.

- To take a position, the brand must be supported by architecture and interior design. So much of the brand's communication is in sound, light and choice of materials. What we wanted to reinforce here is a hustle and bustle, in line with the pulse of the city and Malmö's scenography," says Viveca Rosencrantz.