Have you been to St. Johannesplan?

Architect Pontus Tebäck gives a progress report on the Triangle project in Malmö.

The Triangle is buzzing with intense activity, with constant traffic to and from the construction site, the Triangle station, shopping area, art gallery and hospital area. Pedestrians and cyclists are crowded along the fences and have to stop from time to time to make room for the transportation to the construction site. These enter via the new Konsthallstorget, which is still covered in Skåne clay. Now that the buildings are rising, one begins to understand that the activity is there to stay.

- 'It's a piece of viable urbanity we see emerging,' says architect Pontus Tebäck, who has been working intensively on the Triangle project for almost three years. Have you seen the small pavilion on S:t Johannesplan? (Yes, that's its name, the new site south of the Triangle block.) It's a three-room apartment from one of the future residential buildings facing the street. It functions, facade and all, as NCC's viewing pavilion. Many passers-by stop to admire the facade material, which is a metallic-engineered facade screen tile with a slightly rough, darkly shimmering surface.

- Not unlike a salt-glazed Höganäskrus," says Pontus with a twinkle in his eye. "In general, we have made an effort to choose solid materials that also characterize the rest of the site: granite, limestone, glass, stainless steel - and then the dark brick.

The apartments in the courtyard and street buildings went on sale a couple of months ago, and the high-rise building will soon follow. The shopping mall will open in summer 2013. It will have a distinctly urban character with many entrances to the surrounding streets and squares, providing a good interaction with the surrounding city. The same is true on the inside. A dense urban character with streets and squares and clear entrance porticos to the shops. Subdued and colorful at the same time. High intensity just like outside - on S:t Johannesplan.